Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Regrets relived

I got to thinking about some of the things I regret doing when I was younger. It's not so much that I'm unhappy with the way things turned out. I'm a lucky guy to have a great family, earn a decent living and I'm fairly healthy for the most part. Things could have been a lot worse.

Some of the things that crossed my mind when it came to regrets included;

-not staying in school to better educate myself. Things worked out okay but it was a struggle for a few years after high school. Jobs in Saskatchewan were not around like they are today. I wish I attended a Technical school to work on a trade. Although I did go back and get a certificate several years later.

-not travelling more. I was envious of the friends that went away and travelled when they were young. That wasn't my bag back then but I sure enjoy doing it now. I wish I would of seen more of the world. I choose to work and make some money instead. Europe would have been unreal. Perhaps down the road?

-not ungrading my Rider season tickets to better seats sooner. This one is kinda comical really. We've had season tickets for 22 years now. I have tried ungrading to better seats for several years now but no luck. Every body and his dog has Rider tickets now. It wasn't like that 15 years ago. We could have sat anywhere back then. This is one regret I don't sweat about too much. It's nice to see. Hopefully I won't be able to upgrade for years to come. I'll take that in exchange for trips to the Grey Cup.

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