Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Can you help me teacher?

We received notice yesterday that Saskatchewan teachers will be staging a one day walkout due to the lack of contract talk movement. They have been without one since last August.

They are an essential service to our kids safety and everyday development. The endless hours of dedication goes beyond just a quick thank you. I think back to some of the struggles others and myself have had with our kids as they grow up. It's these teachers that put in the time and effort towards" righting the ship", which sticks out in my mind the most. Social media in the class room started years ago. Everyone has cell phones, ipods, name it, they have it. It's become standard equipment in todays society within the class room. Today's teacher has to deal with these added distractions. How do you police this? From what I experienced, most choose to "allow"  the social media in the class room. Can't say I really disagree.What else do you do?

 They're overworked big time.  You really could not pay me enough to put up with some of the garbage they do. I guess why some decide enough is enough. They feel it's really not worth they're time.

Our kids will be affected. They are older, so having to stay home isn't a big deal for them even if Mom and Dad are at work. It's not like that for everyone. Child care is going to be an issue. Hopefully they can accommodate something. Megan and Alexa are in grade 7. Nikki is currently in grade 12. She's the one it could affect the most if this extends beyond Thursday. Hopefully things can be rectified so it does not jeopardize her graduation. Grade 12 is fun and all, but no one wants to have it last longer than it should. They're s talk that it could. It all depends on the length this contract thing goes.

Now I have to figure out what they will be cleaning around the house tomorrow.

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