Monday, May 30, 2011

My Pet Peeves

I was recently thinking about things that really annoy or frustrate me. It's usually things that people do and not so much about things that don't work as they are suppose to. Ignorance is a state of being unaware. That I can accept. Stupidity not so much. To me that reflects on the person knowing better but refusing to change what they are doing. We've all heard that people are creatures of habit. That plays a huge part of why people continue to do "stupid" things. Some people just refuse to change their ways. For some reason I guess they feel they're beyond that.

I've listed some of my top pet peeves.

-Parents who don't know where their kids are. I understand that people are busy but some just don't care. Any wonder why some turn out the way they do?
-People who think they know everything ( been there....done it all....)
-People who "always " talk on their cell phone while driving. We all know it's illegal. We've all done it but some do it all the time.
-People who throw their trash out the window of their car. Really? come on, dispose of it properly.
-Parents who give the kids exotic names. Celebrities are famous for this.
-Telemarketers. Calling back continously. Need I say more?
-People who let their kids scream/cry in stores or restaurants. The kid doesn't know any better but it's the part where the parent refuses to do anything about it that gets me.Pretty simple.....If you can't control your kid don't go.
-People who stop their shopping cart right in the middle of the aisle to talk with someone. Any chance you can move out of the way so others can continue with their day?
-Drivers that throw open their car doors without first checking for traffic. One of these days......POW!
-Toilet paper rolls that aren't changed when they're empty. My kids are bad for that.

We all have em. That's what makes this silly world fun.....

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