Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can I take my break now?

The question seems to be fairly easily answered if your flipping burgers or something but not so for my wife. Shes's a nurse.

Working at the hospital can be trying experience even on the good days. You see being a nurse on one of the busiest units in the hospital can take a toll on anyone. Yesterday was just one example. Apparently, things were routine but for some reason Jody could not get away for a morning break. Now these nurses are on their feet for probably 90% of their 12 hour shift.There isn't much sitting around when you're dealing with extremely sick patients. That's just the way it is. She totally understands that. When the regular time for her morning break came and went, it wasn't a big deal. wasn't the first time......won't be the last. She finally got away to sit for a few minutes 4 hrs into her shift, that being 11:00.

She enjoyed her few minutes thinking well great lunch is around the corner. But wait just a minute. On goes the cape and she leaps into action. She gets away for her lunch break at 3:15( 8 hours into her shift).

Now she's lost all faith in the fact that she might actually enjoy her supper break within the next couple of hours. She becomes totally depressed and decides to eat her supper meal along with her lunch meal. That window of opportunity probably won't be there later.

Oh ya, I forgot to mention she suffers from acid reflux. Jees......I wonder why?????

As many of her coworkers can attest to, this is pretty normal when it comes to being a nurse. That's why they get into the profession. It's all part of the job. There's good days, bad days and really bad days. My hat goes off to all the health care workers that sacrifice their time to ensure the patient is getting the best care possible. She's an incredible person. She's changed the lives of many. Imagine what kind of world we'd have if only a few more of us thought this way?

I'm sure she doesn't mind skipping the odd break now and then and having to eat like it's her last meal in a week. Hey, it's nothing that TUMS can't fix......

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