Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dog Daze

I must admit that our new puppy(Charlie) has been good for the family although things didn't go quite as well as we had liked. He's a mini dachshund that was only 3.5 lbs when we got him. Really, he was so small that none of us wanted to hold him in fear of dropping him. That being said, he wanted to cuddle and be held all of the time. I mean it was just like having a new born baby in the house again. It was a real adjustment for Jody, myself and the kids.

Even before we picked him up, the girls and I ran to the pet store and bought a bunch of items to ensure his first day went well. A crate, food, leash and toys were part of the first day buyings. It's really difficult not to spoil your pet but has anyone been to a pet store recently. Man they have everything. It's unbelievable.

On the second day home with us, the kids went to school, Jody went to work and I was left to stay with him at home. Only problem was that I had worked the previous night. Safe to say I didn't get much sleep that day. Maybe 3 hrs total. It was the first night shift of 4!!!!!! AHHHH!

The breeder we bought from started potty training him with Dog Litter. We thought things were gonna be great. It started off okay but slowly Charlie insisted on finding a different area rug to pee on. We ended up rolling up our expensive 6x10 area rug from the Great room into storage ( for time being). About a week later, Charlie didn't seem to be taking to his dry puppy food. He ended up going on antibiotics after a vet visit. They thought he might have an infection. A bowel infection brings lots of bowel movements. He had 8-9 for a few days. That was tough on everyone.

He is now 15 weeks old and things have improved greatly. He's accustomed himself to the surroundings quite well now. Everyone enjoys his presence so much that it's difficult to imagine life without him. Other pet owners will agree with me in saying that Charlie has improved our families way of life to a degree we can not describe. We love him to death.

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