Saturday, April 30, 2011

What I spend money on

It seems that the spending part is easy for anyone. It's what you spend it on that becomes the difficult part. For me, it's usually easy come easy go. Sometimes choosing the split for me is an issue but as a family we manage okay.

I am a sports enthusiast to say the least. I enjoy participating and watching all kinds of activities. A great deal of money goes towards my passion, The Riders. We've had season tickets and gone to various away games over the years. Rider merchandise around the our house is abundant to say the least. It was slightly overboard a few years ago but, I've slowly down recently. The manager said I had to......

With both Jody and myself being shift workers it's difficult to get together with friends or family members as much as we would like. When we do, it's special for us. Planned holidays are a must. We try to get away somewhere when we can.

I enjoy putting time and money into my house and vehicle. That's a given. Just ask anyone.

I've always thought that anyone who says money doesn't buy you happiness doesn't know where to shop. Things are less stressful when the money is flowing.

I'm thankful for the way things have worked out. We are so fortunate to be able to buy the things we need most so easily. It's not like that everywhere.


  1. "I've always thought that anyone who says money doesn't buy you happiness doesn't know where to shop." ~ This made me laugh out loud! I agree that "things are less stressful when the money is flowing" but only when one is living within their means. Otherwise, it's just playing catch up (which is what I assumed you meant anyway).

  2. Thanks for the comment. Ya it's about living within your means but you need to enjoy life a little. Sometimes you just need to spoil yourself or the ones you love.
